
The Self-Esteem Tag part 2

freedom eso

Hey guys! How are you doing today?

I’m in quite a good mood today because I received an email from the university to say that my place on the masters postgraduate degree has been confirmed! I honestly can’t believe it! I applied a week ago and haven’t mentioned anything to my friends or family in case I wasn’t offered a place. But it’s officially come through now and I have been asked to either accept or decline in the next two weeks! ARGH… big decision to make. I may have to start a pro con list or something… do you have any advice on this at all?

It was also my cousin’s birthday yesterday and as I mentioned in myΒ last post, I was absolutely dreading it because of a rude family member. Safe to say, I could not see straight for the amount of alcohol drunk before going around to their house. My mum and I made strawberry daquiris and kept the prosecco flowing too just so we could bear to be there! But as I’ve mentioned before, I’m guessing everyone has a hated family member or friend that is rude at events like this, am I right? πŸ™‚

Anyway, time to get down to the tag!

My answers continued…

When do you feel most attractive?

Definitely on a date night or night out with my friends when I get super dressed up and throw on a nice pair of heels πŸ™‚

What are you passionate about?

Travelling and helping other people at the same time, so if I can somehow find a job doing both of these things then that would be a dream come true!

I also have a really strong passion for Biology as some as you may know. David Attenborough is amongst celebrities whom I idealise and strive to be more like. I really want to push myself to uncover new scientific discoveries and do anything I can for the community along the way too.

Who is the most supportive figure in your life?

Easily my mum. She has been there from the beginning through thick and thin, and I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today without her. Every time I have felt down about myself she has always done lots of little things to cheer me up πŸ™‚ For me, it’s more about the quality time you spend with a person than the materialistic items. Someone could come along tomorrow and invest one million pounds in a business for me and I would still see my mum as the more supportive person for cheering me on.

What are you most proud of about yourself?

Looking back on the past few years, I am proud of how far I’ve come. Each experience, whether that has been uni or my family life has really allowed me to develop and learn important life lessons. The ups and downs have made me who I am today and I wouldn’t change any of it πŸ™‚

Do you feel good about yourself today?

Yes and no. I feel so happy about getting through the dinner yesterday and being accepted onto the course. However at the same time, the relationship I have with my boyfriend is incredibly rocky right now. We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things and some of his comments recently have upset me quite a bit, but I guess we’ll see what the future holds!

This tag has actually noticeably improved my mood so thank you so much again for the tagΒ Laura!


As always, no pressure to play along.


Pharaoh Maktuk












15 thoughts on “The Self-Esteem Tag part 2”

  1. Congrats and thank you for the nomination!!! Btw I love what you are most proud of. It screams out change and acceptance!!

    And congrats on getting accepted into that program. Whats giving you cold feet with accepting it?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! And you’re welcome! ☺ yeah I like to think that I’ve learnt a lot of stuff over the last few years and my bad experiences don’t define me.

      It’s the fact that I will be in even more student debt because of the fees and my boyfriend isn’t very supportive with it because he thinks I won’t have the money to do things with him πŸ˜• but at the same time I think I would come out with a better job at the end, so it’s swings and roundabouts haha πŸ˜…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am glad it all went ok. In regards to the masters postgraduate degree, I think you have ask yourself how significant it will be. In terms of your career plans and the jobs you want, how important is it but most crucial, is it something you are passionate about?
    I know you have probably considered all that, but like you said, a pro’s and con’s could be a good idea! xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww thank you so much for your help 😊 I’ve been struggling with it for weeks and I don’t know what to do. I think it’s more about taking the risk that worries me because I obviously don’t know what sort of job I would get at the end of it. But honestly thank you, I just need to take the leap! 😊 xx

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